Individual Advanced Modules – Set of 3


Individual Advanced Modules 4,5 & 6


Module 4
Bring Dreams to life with Colournostics Vision Board. Create dynamic Vision Boards that accelerate your journey to success. This innovative approach is designed for both a personal session or as a workshop. It makes goal-setting easy, enjoyable, and incredibly powerful.

Module 5
Colournostics for Kids: A Tailored Approach. Discover the art of adapting the Colournostics process for different age groups, and discover how easy and enjoyable this process is for kids. We demonstrate the “Hue-man” process, making thoughts and feelings tangible for children and teenagers, especially those locked in anxiety. Gain insights from inspiring case studies and learn valuable tips for coaching young people effectively.

Module 6
Mind-Body Connection. Use colour psychology to explore the profound link between inner dialogue and physical well-being. Release emotional blocks and self-limiting beliefs, guiding your clients towards holistic wellness. Transform lives by tapping into this powerful mind-body connection.

